Mini me outfits. These small brands are proving that twinning can be cool.

There was once a time when matching your outfit with your little one looked a bit…well, lame? There wasn’t much choice available and what was available, wasn’t necessarily what you would choose to wear under ‘not twinning’ circumstances. Well, not anymore. Thanks to some brilliant small businesses across the UK, you no longer need to compromise on style in order to twin with your little one (you just need to enjoy it whilst they’re still young, because they are guaranteed to think it’s pretty lame at some point… booo!).

High street brands such as Next and Boden are all starting to offer a good selection of mini-me outfits, but today I wanted to focus on the smaller brands, as that’s where the real gems are. They’re offering an amazing range of beautifully made, stylish items available in both child and grown-up sizes, often in gender neutral styles too, making it really hard not to get sucked in. From colourful dresses to printed leggings, you’ll soon find yourself unable to resist the pull of the mini me outfit. Well, I say outfit, but I’m not sure head-to-toe twinning is really the way to go. I’m more for choosing just one twinning item per look, it’s a little more subtle.

I’ve highlighted below some of my favourite mini me items from small brands across the UK. All of the images are linked so that you can go straight to their website and make a purchase, should you be inclined to do so… which you most definitely will! There are no affiliate links, they’re just direct links to brands that I love.

I haven’t come across any smaller brands doing matching footwear, but I love to match my trainers with my kids. Some of my favourite high street brands for matching footwear are Adidas, Puma, Veja, Dr. Martins and Converse. They all offer a really good range of kids footwear that has matching adult versions too. I love the little velcro Adidas Gazelles and they come in a nice range of colours too.

I hope this little round up has given you some twinning inspiration. It’s certainly given me the urge to make a few purchases ready for the summer!




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